5 Mistakes To Avoid During Financial Translation

Let’s face the fact that the job of financial translator cannot afford to commit errors or mistakes. There are 5 common mistakes you should avoid while working on finance translation such as: 1. Keep The Punctuation Correct Some of you might b e thinking that numbers are easy to be translated from one language to another. No matter, it’s legal translation, medical translation or a financial translation, « 1 » is written « 1 » in English, in Spanish, in German, in French…But it’s not always remain the same in English text, « 1,800 » means « one thousand eight hundred » while in a text in German or French, it will correspond to a number a thousand times smaller. Punctuation is crucial for numbers rather than anything else depending upon the language, « two thousand » can be written « 2000 », « 2’000 », « 2 000 » or even « 2,000 ». 2. Don’t Get Confused Between Values Will it be sufficient to write the number in letters always? O...